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Accountability is a keystone of racial equity work. Accountability, as used in this website, refers to creating processes and systems that are designed to help individuals and groups to be held in check for their decisions and actions and for whether the work being done reflects and embodies racial justice principles. Accountability in racial equity work is about constantly checking the work against a set of questions: How is the issue being defined? Who is defining it? Who is this work going to benefit if it succeeds? Who will benefit if the work does not succeed? How are risks distributed among the stakeholders? How will a group know if its plan has accounted for risks and unintended consequences for different racial and ethnic groups? What happens if people pull out before the goals are met? Who anointed the people and groups being relied on for the answers to these questions? Who else can answer these questions to guide the work?

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“If you are doing your work without people with the lived experience, then my question to you is how are you accountable and how are you effective of being part of the movement?”

~ Mama Lila Cabbil, Activist, Author, and Water Warrior


We Will Not Cancel Us, Book Release Event with adrienne maree brown – Source Booksellers

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