Facilitator's Guide
This facilitation guide has two main goals:
To help facilitators and host organizations who are considering delivering the training to get a better sense of what that might take in terms of time, logistics, and facilitation experience or skills
To share context, tips, tools, and resources that might help facilitators and host organizations as they prepare for delivering the training
You may download a full PDF version of this guide here (with links fully updated 27 December 2020). If you have any questions, please email twp@world-trust.org.
The guide contains the following sections:
Purpose of the Training
Purpose of this Facilitator's Guide
Learning Objectives
Case for the TWP Training
Preparation for Hosting Organizations
Identifying and Engaging with Potential Participants
Leadership Practice Groups
Facilitation (including Facilitator Self-Assessment Questionnaire)
TWP Curriculum Logistical Requirements
Specific Module Supports
Understanding Structural Racism
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Accountability [expands / contracts on click]
In the context of racial equity work, accountability refers to the ways in which individuals and communities hold themselves to their goals and actions, and acknowledge the values and groups to which they are responsible.
To be accountable, one must be visible, with a tra
Accountability [expands / contracts on click]
In the context of racial equity work, accountability refers to the ways in which individuals and communities hold themselves to their goals and actions, and acknowledge the values and groups to which they are responsible.
To be accountable, one must be visible, with a tra
“The possessive investment in whiteness can’t be rectified by learning ‘how to be more antiracist. ’ It requires a radical divestment in the project of whiteness and a redistribution of wealth and resources. It requires abolition, the abolition of the carceral world, the abolition of capitalism. What is required is a remaking of the social order, and nothing short of that is going to make a difference.”
~ Saidiya Hartman, Author
We hope the guide is helpful to experienced social justice and racial equity facilitators who want to think through how best to implement the TWP curriculum. We also hope it is also useful to people and groups who want to add deeper attention to white privilege and white culture within their other educational, leadership development, transformative learning or community change efforts.
The guide is deeply informed from our own experience facilitating several rounds of pilots of the curriculum, plus from post-training surveys of participants and discussions with the organizations who hosted the pilots. It also draws on MP Associates, World Trust’s and CAPD’s experiences as facilitators of transformative learning, community engagement and multi-racial change processes,and as social justice and racial equity facilitators. Given that foundation, we also hope the guide is a useful way for us to share some of what we have learned about this very important, and very challenging, work.
At the same time, the facilitation guide is very much a work in progress. If you are reading this, and you end up using the curriculum and/or have thoughts to offer on the facilitation guide or any other aspect of the curriculum, please share. If you have questions or comments, please contact us at twp@world-trust.org.